3 day bushcraft course

3 Day Introduction to Bushcraft £300
(Camping included)

23 May - 25 May 2024
25 July - 27 July 2024
29 August - 31 August

The wonderful world of bushcraft has many skills to offer, some are fun or exciting and some, they are hard to believe they are possible. So if you are new to Bushcraft, where should you begin? As a young boy of around 14 and heavily besotted by bushcraft I was lucky to receive lessons on bushcraft from a well qualified instructor who know the subject, and just as importantly knew where to start with a beginner!

We have access to endless information online, that’s great, but sometimes we need to be able to ask questions and have an someone on hand to show us where we are going wrong or even right. It’s so important to start our journey in bushcraft with a solid foundation of basic knowledge and skills before taking on bigger challenges that come in certain areas within the craft. A 3 day course on basic bushcraft is definitely a great place to start, you will have a chance to learn in a safe environment in the woods, and experience the joy of being out in nature away from the noise of the wider world.

The Bowyer Bushcraft instructors have years of accumulated experience and will help you achieve your goals on the course. No one should feel worried or intimidated about coming along, as we can accommodate both those with little or no experience and also the bush-crafter who arrives with previous experience. I hold dear in my heart all the courses I have previously done, the memories of which I have are a part of who I am, and I will forever be grateful that I could learn bushcraft in a professional woodland setting with inspiring instructors.

Camping is included in the cost for the course.